Helping New Yorkers find self-possession, self-knowledge, freedom and ease since 1981.

"We have been a remarkably effective team -
I am tempted to say a life-saving team.
Beret taught me how my life-long physical
actions and my emotional reactions
produced pain, and taught me the
awareness and techniques to counteract
and prevent the pain."
- Ernest Brod, Attorney,
Alexander Technique student
To learn more about Alexander Technique lessons
with Beret Arcaya, email beret.arcaya@gmail.com or call (917) 584-4584.
Alexander Technique teaches you how to:
- Restore the optimal conditions of balance, coordination and ease by integrating the entire self: body, mind and emotions.
- Use the most appropriate energy for any given task.
- Redirect your responses to stimuli from subconscious habitual patterns into conscious choice.
Beret Arcaya has been teaching Alexander Technique lessons in New York City and internationally since 1981. Her practice is based in the Union Square neighborhood of Manhattan. Known for her work with actors, athletes, musicians and singers, Beret works with people of all professions who seek to enhance their performance skills, relieve chronic pain, or gain greater grace, poise and self-possession in their work and in their lives.
She maintains an Alexander Technique blog to introduce would-be students to the basic premises of the Alexander Technique, such as Non-Doing, Directions, Inhibition, and End-Gaining.
"Studying the Alexander technique has profoundly changed me in every way. As an artist and performer it has given me a physical awareness and facility that was previously not attainable but the work is much deeper than that. It has also given me an internal emotional and psychological stability that has allowed me to face challenges, be more myself and to truly integrate all the parts of my life."
- Alyson Pou, New York, NY, Alexander Technique student
"Beret Arcaya has been my Alexander Technique teacher for almost two years, and I eagerly endorse her teaching. She combines patience, empathy, integrity, insight, humor, compassion, and intelligence with a wisdom that comes from experience as she embodies the rigorous honest standard of self-examination that she teaches."
- Robert Spector, New York, NY,
Alexander Technique student
Website Design by Imogen Ragone.
Photograph of New York City by Antoine Henrich.
Beret Arcaya on the Web:
Visit Beret's website:

Read Beret's blog:
Other Resources:
The Complete Guide to the
Alexander Technique
American Society for the
Alexander Technique (AmSAT)
The Society of Teachers of the
Alexander Technique (STAT)