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   The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
Home What is the Alexander Technique and what are its benefits? How can I find a Teacher or Course? What happens during an Alexander Technique Lesson or Class? Alexander Technique Self-Study Who was F. M. Alexander? Musicians and the Alexander Technique Medical and Scientific Research and Endorsements Alexander Technique Applications and Personal Accounts Alexander Technique Bookstore (USA, Canada and the UK) in association with AMAZON Videos, DVDs, Books, MP3s and RealAudio Resources Interactive Alexander Technique Resources Resources for Alexander Technique Teachers and Students Links CONTACT - FEEDBACK - SUPPORT


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Pilates and Alexander Technique

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Alexander Technique Teacher Training

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Alexander Technique Bookstore
USA, Canada
and Great Britain

Welcome to the Alexander Technique Bookstore. Here you will find a comprehensive array of Alexander Technique books and DVDs. If you would prefer a quick and mobile-friendly listing of just the major Alexander Technique books and DVDs, please visit Alexander Technique Books and DVDs.

Bookstore Departments:

In the Alexander Technique Applications category there are books, videos and DVDs about the application of the Alexander Technique to:

Medicine and Backpain - How our body Works - Acting - Swimming - Golf - Voice - Dance - Pregnancy and Childbirth - Stress Reduction - Running - Alexander Technique and Children - Horseback Riding - Exercise - Alexander Technique Teaching

In the Related Fields category, you will find books influenced by the principles of the Alexander Technique and related to:

Functional Chair Design - Balanced Lifestyle - Leonardo Da Vinci - Juggling - Anatomy - Psychology - Spiritual Development

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The American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) publishes an extensive mail-order book catalog. Anyone with a serious interest in reading about the Alexander Technique would do well to get this catalog as it includes specialized titles (including audio and video material) not readily available elsewhere.

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